Phone : (514) 692-6337

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It is much smaller than rats, weighing between 12 and 30 g. It has big ears and a long scaly tail. Its coat is reddish-ocher on the back and dark gray on the belly.
Length without the tail 8-12 cm
Queue 8-12 cm
Weight 12-30 g
Body color Gray to brown or white
Eye Color Eye Color Black, pink-red to white mice
Reproduction All year
Gestation time 18-21 days
Number of focused 12 carried by year
Number of small 5-8 small
Sexual maturity 2 months
Longevity 12-24 months
Food Omnivore
Territory In a radius of 3 10 m
House mice live mainly in buildings where they find food and warmth during the winter, they frequently leave the houses to live in the wild in the summer .
Mice using paper , wool or other material to build their nests inside the walls of buildings . They are usually active at night . Agile and very suspicious , they are able to jump , climb and swim .
Mice have good smell and hearing , but their vision is weak, however they use their whiskers to detect vibrations in the air and recognize surface textures . To communicate among themselves , mice emit squeals .

How to detect the presence of a mouse?

  • Feces :
This is the first index that shows that there is an infestation of mice or rats. When they are soft , it shows a very recent infection ( within 3 days) .
Norway rat droppings (or brown rat ) is about 20 mm long, it is located on routes near the food source .
Black rat droppings about 15 mm long and is shaped like a banana.
Mouse droppings is 3 to 8 mm and an irregular shape.
Eating grains , rats leave behind relatively large crumbs eaten while mice leave smaller particles with sharp edges .
  • Urine
Traces urine become fluorescent if a UV lamp is used
  • Type of nests or burrows
The rats have a hole diameter of 6 to 8 cm and the mouse holes , 2 cm . These holes mostly found in thick bushes, often near the building foundation.


  • Start by inspecting the contour of the house in the early spring and fall to check the status of nets , ventilation outlets and dryer.
  • Install a fence with mesh sizes smaller than 1 cm in all outputs ventilation , without impeding airflow ( seek advice from an expert in the event of doubt on the size).
  • Install weather stripping in the front doors and garage doors and make sure they are tight .
  • If you have a fireplace at home , make sure the door is locked. We had cases of infiltration rat , squirrel and bat through a door ajar fireplace.
  • If you purchase merchandise wholesale, thoroughly check boxes first time it happens that mice infest homes and stores carrying them .
  • It is always recommended to install a network preventive pest management in the most critical areas, it has a risk of infestation , or if your home or business is in an infested area .
  • Before buying a property or renting a trade , carry parasitic inspection , which will avoid surprises in the future.
Génie Extermination
(514) 692-6337