Phone : (514) 692-6337

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Fleas are small dark insects without wings 1-4 mm feed on blood of humans and animals, their body is strongly flattened side allowing them to be hiding in the fur of their hosts ( cat and dog). The hind legs are long and strong and well adapted for jumping.
Life cycle of fleas


  • Mating occurs on the host animal .
  • The female lays in the fur 4-8 eggs per day and hundreds of eggs during her lifetime.
  • Eggs (0.5 mm long) are white, oval and non-sticky .
  • The eggs hatch after a few days.
  • The larva that hatches from the egg has no legs, but she has two small hooks . Normally , the larva is not on the host, she lives in the dust and debris
  • Prior to pupate , the larva makes a cocoon that covers quickly debris , ensuring the insect additional protection.
  • The adult flea emerges after five days at about five weeks.
  • The adult may remain long in its cocoon. Its emergence would be caused by the heat and carbon dioxide produced by a host that is close . Right out of the cocoon , the chip goes in search of the host to find its food and a sexual partner .


Adult fleas live on their host ( cat, dog, rat and human ) , or nearby. The larvae are found in the nest or burrow of the host, in cracks and crevices ( baseboard , quarter-rounds , wooden floor , on the corners of the carpet.
What you need to know
UA flea infestation is common in late summer and early autumn , periods should periodically review pets. There are various products to protect cats and dogs against fleas.
When your cat or dog starts licking or scratching , it may indicate signs of infestation , check between the hairs in the neck or tail . It may also check the presence of small clumps of dried blood through cotton wool moistened with detergent to the skin of the animal.
How to get rid of fleas
Various commercial preparations are available to treat infected animals , consult your veterinarian to choose the most appropriate treatment.
Special products against fleas are used by specialists in engineering pest management to control and eradicate an infestation of fleas.
Some preparations are needed before the intervention of the specialist:
  • In the home, you should thoroughly clean areas where infected animals live , litter, couch, dorm animal.
  • Vacuum around once a week to remove eggs , larvae and young adults.
  • Linger along baseboards and in cracks in wood floors.
  • Move furniture to clean thoroughly and wash the floors.
  • Wash with warm soapy as equipment and bedding on which the animals are lying water , and every two or three weeks. Clean carpets steam .
Ecological roles
As parasites , fleas play a role in controlling populations of animal species that serve their guest . They can transmit disease or other parasites to their hosts .
Source: insectariums the city of Montreal
Génie Extermination
(514) 692-6337