Phone : (514) 692-6337

For immediate assistance

Identification of parasites
What are the insects and the most famous rodent in Quebec? Identify pests and know their habits is the first step to get rid of.

Know Bibites : Why parasites like our homes?

The parasites move into our homes , because they are the ideal conditions to survive and multiply. That is to say, heat, plenty of food and a multitude of places to hide in the absence of their natural predators. To better prevent and reduce infestations , you must first know your enemy. We need to find and seal the entry points , eliminate sources of food, healthy habits maintenance and , if necessary, use traps and pesticides.

For more information on how to fight against pests , visit our table of preventive measures

You can always send us a picture of insect or parasite unknown email on

If you need immediate assistance , or extermination of emergency you can contact us 7/7 at (514) 692-6337