Phone : (514) 692-6337

For immediate assistance

social wasps
There are several species in Quebec, only twenty social. Colonies of wasps consist of a laying queen, sterile workers and males used to fertilize future queens in late autumn.

Wasps Dolichovespula:

The wasp white spots Dolichovespula maculata, is distinguished by its color spots beige or ivory. She rarely revolves around our food and little inclined to sting
wasp Dolichovespula
Wasp nest in a tree

Photo by Duchess bud Chatter

Polistes wasps :

Black and yellow or brown, and particularly slim color, paper wasp wasp is reluctant to approach our food and sting. It produces a small air-shaped nest inverted umbrella, it attaches to a branch or a ledge
Polistes wasp nest
a wasp paper wasp eating

Wasps Vespula:

Two wasps look very similar to the black and bright yellow dress, the wasp Vespula germanica, has black spots on the abdomen independent black lines, contrary to the common wasp.
Common wasp
Guêpe Vespula germanica

This is need to know

  • The wasp nests in walls are the most difficult to exterminate , the sound of their buzzing overnight indicate their presence.
  • They are closely monitored : insect scavengers, they readily explore our plates and our garbage and do not hesitate to bite when they feel disturbed. In addition, to install their nest , they use an existing hole terrier former example , depression in the ground , opening in a wall , etc. . The nest is well hidden , with the risks that entails walking in!
  • All wasps are in the colony die during the winter , only the queens survive until spring.
  • Unlike bees die if they sting a person , wasps do not lose their sting , so it stings repeatedly .
  • The most common are Dolichovespula wasps , Polistes wasps and the wasp Vespula ( germanica and vulgaris)


  • To get rid of a wasp nest , you must destroy the queen, the workers will be confused and end up abandoning the nest.
  • In engineering we are exterminating extermination Queen and we removing the nest if possible.
  • DDuring treatment, it is advisable to close the doors and windows, and do not approach the nest during the first 24 hours.
Source : Insectarium of Montreal
Génie Extermination
(514) 692-6337