Phone : (514) 692-6337

For immediate assistance

Centipede (Chilopoda)
  • Size: 5 to 75 mm in length depending on the species.
  • Body dish consisting of many segments with a total of 15 to 90 pairs of legs.
  • Each body segment has a pair of legs while millipedes have 2 pairs per segment.
  • They are not classified as insects because they have more than three pairs of legs.

Lifecycle :

  • Eggs are laid packet in summer or autumn and the female takes care until hatching.
  • A centipede can live up to three years.

Lifecycle :

  • They are predators and move very quickly.
  • They live in the hidden corners of houses. Prefers moist places. Vulnerable to dehydration because they have no waxy cuticle.
  • The tropical species can be very poisonous.
Génie Extermination
(514) 692-6337